The principle of operation and application of the "Shining" fertilizer


Adherents of organic farming know that plants receive nutrients from organic elements processed by soil bacteria and other microorganisms. It is for the reproduction and reproduction of such microorganisms that EM preparations have been created, one of which is the "Shining" fertilizer. The preparations of this series contain up to fifty varieties of effective soil microorganisms (abbreviated as EM). EOs in these fertilizers are isolated from Siberian soils, therefore they are resistant to the harsh Russian climate.

How Fertilizer Shine works

The work of microorganisms

Why do we need these same EMs? In fact, there are millions of microbes in the soil and without the EM drugs. But, firstly, in poor soil, and even depleted, literally "killed" by a plow and a shovel, there are significantly fewer bacteria than, for example, in a meadow or in a forest. Secondly, bacteria are also living things, and they freeze, so their number in early spring is very small. To increase the number of microbes and saturate the soil or compost with them, such preparations are produced.

Microorganisms perform many functions:

  • fix nitrogen from the air in the soil;
  • decompose plant residues and introduced organic matter to simple compounds assimilated by plants;
  • suppress the development of soil pathogens;
  • increase the amount of food for plants - the same humus;
  • reduce soil toxicity, fight residues from the use of chemicals;
  • form antibiotics and other useful substances;
  • form polysaccharides, increasing soil aggregation;
  • bind heavy metals, reducing their effect on plant growth and development.

Fertilizer range Radiance

Varieties of EM drugs

The line of "Radiance" fertilizers includes three preparations, differing in the form of release, concentration and, as a consequence, the area of ​​their application. All of them were developed in Novosibirsk under the BakSib brand of the EM-Biotech Scientific and Production Center, and since 2005 have been produced under the Shining brand. Let's dwell on a brief description of them.

Fertilizer "Siyanie-1", or "BakSib K", is produced in the form of a dry concentrate, sufficient to prepare three thousand liters of working solution. It is used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, irrigation and foliar feeding of plants, for composting plant residues, for spring soil preparation and decomposition of plant residues, tucked into the soil in autumn. The main direction of the drug is to improve soil fertility.

For sowing seeds, growing seedlings and other work related to the beginning of the life of a plant, for example, when planting potatoes, the fertilizer "Shining-2" or "BakSib R" is produced. In the composition of this preparation, mainly anaerobic bacteria are used, therefore, first the soil is filled with it, and after a while, the sowing is carried out into the prepared substrate.

To accelerate the maturation of the compost, the preparation "BakSib F" - fertilizer "Shining-3" is used. It is produced in the form of enzymes grafted onto wheat bran. In addition to composting, it can be used to eliminate odor from cesspools and to process kitchen waste.

In addition to the above, there is also the drug "Shining-5", which is prepared on the basis of the first and second "Shining" and is used to prevent fungal diseases in plants.

How to prepare Fertilizer Radiance

Preparation and use of EM solutions

Unlike chemical and biological fertilizers familiar to everyone, preparations containing microorganisms cannot simply be diluted with water and watered the beds. It is necessary to carry out a set of measures to prepare them for use.
To prepare the active solution "Shining-1" it is necessary to dissolve one sachet of the drug in half a liter of warm water and let it brew for 24 hours. Then use the prepared solution in a ratio of 1: 100 for spring and autumn soil preparation and 1: 1000 for current watering of plants. You can store such a drug in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) for up to two weeks.

EM preparations must not be frozen!

For cooking soil for seedlings on a bucket of soil add half a glass of dry substrate "Shining-2". Then the earth is moistened and cleaned for two weeks in a closed container and a cellophane bag for the development of bacteria. This process should take place in a dark, warm place.

To prepare compost on a layer of crushed organic residues up to thirty centimeters thick, pour the substrate "Shining-3" at the rate of a glass for two square meters. Then the layer is moistened and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Several layers do this. The preparation is added to the pre-laid compost through the holes punched in the heap with crowbar. Half a glass of the substrate is poured there and filled with water. In both cases, the heaps are then spilled with the "Shining-1" solution at the rate of half a glass per bucket and covered with foil. After one and a half to two months, depending on the weather, the compost is ready. As a reminder, it usually takes one or two seasons for the compost to fully mature.

Fertilizer effect Radiance

Application effect

The use of effective microorganisms increases the productivity of vegetables, berries and fruit trees. The quality and taste of the fruit increases. From the introduction of compost prepared with "EM", the structure and fertility of the soil improves.

In addition, the general view of the garden plot becomes more "lively" and attractive. Effective microorganisms effectively take care of our well-being.

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