Rules for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse with seedlings


In early spring, many summer residents plant tomato seeds in plastic cups filled with earth and place them on a glazed balcony. With good care, sprouts hatch from the seeds, and tomato seedlings quickly begin to turn violently green. When it is strong enough, it needs to be transplanted.

Greenhouse tomatoes

Since tomatoes love warmth, they are more comfortable growing in a greenhouse. In spring, the weather is unstable, there are frosts in the morning, the soil warms up poorly, and in the open field the seedlings may die.

What is a greenhouse

A greenhouse is easy to purchase in a specialty store or to make yourself from improvised means. To grow a good harvest, you need to correctly place the structure in your summer cottage. A flat place, fully illuminated by the rays of the sun, is best suited. Greenhouses are of several types:

  • from glass;
  • made of polyethylene film;
  • made of polycarbonate.

If the structure is covered with polyethylene, it does not need to be made too long. The film is an unstable material and can burst from strong winds. The optimal length of such a greenhouse is 2-3 meters.


A glass or polycarbonate structure is more expensive, but much more stable. He is not afraid of weather conditions, so you can safely set the length at 4-5 meters. The height of any structure usually does not exceed 1.3 meters. To weed or thin out the seedlings, remove the top or side of the greenhouse.

How to prepare the ground

Particular attention should be paid to the soil. The land from the garden needs to be enriched with nutrients.

Greenhouse preparation

  1. Take soil, peat and river sand peeled from roots in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  2. Dissolve a store-bought sachet of mineral fertilizers in water and water liberally.
  3. Instead of peat, you can take humus and 50 g of chalk ground into powder.

Planting tomatoes in a different way also gives a good harvest. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions earth, peat and humus. On a bucket of such soil, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 liter of wood ash. Stir everything and pour water well.

A week before planting plants, beds are made. They should be 20 to 30 cm long and about 60 cm wide. The soil must be thoroughly loosened and watered moderately.

When is the best time to plant tomatoes

Landing in a greenhouse is carried out when the soil is already well warmed up, because the structure is not heated. It is advisable to measure the temperature of the earth. At a depth of 15-20 cm, the indicator should not be less than 13 degrees.

It is important not to overdo the seedlings and prevent them from overgrowing. Wait until it has 5-7 leaves, and it reaches a length of 35 cm. During this period, the tomatoes are strong, with well-developed roots, and it is convenient to plant them.

Seedlings are planted on May 25-30. At this time, frosts practically do not happen, the sun warmed up the earth, and the tomato sprouts have grown well. If the greenhouse is polycarbonate, it is warmer, so the planting date can be set earlier - May 15.

Planting seedlings

Take cups of seedlings, carefully pull out the sprouts along with the soil, being careful not to disturb the root system, and place them in the previously prepared small holes in the beds in a checkerboard pattern. Varieties with wide tall bushes should be planted at a distance of 50-60 cm.Dwarf - at a width of 40 cm.

It is better to plant in the late afternoon, when the weather is cloudy. It is useful to fill the wells with a weak solution of manganese. Dissolve 1 g of the product in a large bucket of water. If the bushes of tomato seedlings have not overgrown, they are planted vertically. Too long stems are dipped obliquely into the hole, cut off the lower leaves and then sprinkle with earth.

Council.After transferring the seedlings to the greenhouse, they should not be watered for 2 weeks. During this time, the tomatoes will take root and grow. Subsequent watering should be done strictly at the root, trying not to wet the tops, since moisture on it leads to infections.

How to properly care

A few weeks after planting, each tomato bush is required tie up to the twine, pre-stretched over the beds. When the tomato shoots begin to bloom, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse every day, and leave it open until evening in warm weather. Shake your brushes periodically at lunchtime to help them better. pollinate.

Greenhouse tomatoes

To tomato bushes formed correctly, it is necessary in a timely manner remove stepsons... Their size should not exceed 5 cm. Cutting off larger stepchildren has a negative effect on plants. When the first tomatoes appear, remove the leaves below the inflorescence from the stems. Perform the procedure when it is warm, sunny, and the wounds on the shoots will heal faster.

Come up competently for watering tomatoes... They do not need high humidity, so saturate them with water no more often than once every 5-6 days. When fruits are given a lot of water, they become less fleshy, more acidic, and begin to crack.

Top dressing of tomatoes

Once the tomato planting is over, you need to think about fertilizing. To obtain a high yield, they must be introduced 20 days after planting.

Potassium monophosphate has proven itself well. Collect 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp in them. l. fertilize and water the seedling bushes in the greenhouse. If there is not enough water, prepare the solution again.

Watering and caring for tomatoes

After 10 days, you can repeat feeding the tomatoes. During this period, an ovary is usually formed, which will benefit from another solution.

  1. Fill a container with 10 liters of water.
  2. Measure out 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, half a liter can of poultry droppings and stir the ingredients in the liquid.
  3. Take a quart jar, fill it with the solution and pour it under the tomato bush.
  4. Treat each plant like this.

To make the fruits tasty, feeding can be done only after watering the tomatoes.

Fighting disease

To prevent the spread of top rot, the plant should be sprayed when it blooms. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. calcium nitrate and process the bushes. Tomatoes in a greenhouse are not immune to late blight contamination.


An epidemic of the disease can be prevented by the following drugs:

  • first treatment - means "Barrier". Pour 1 cap of medicine into 300 ml of water and spray the bushes;
  • second treatment - means "Barrier". It is required to dilute 5 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water;
  • the third treatment is a garlic solution. Crush 150 g of fresh garlic, pour the gruel with a bucket of water and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and sprinkle the tomato tops.

The crop can be harvested when the fruits are just beginning to sing. Unripe, they are well transported and stored better.

A greenhouse is an ideal solution for a summer resident who wants to collect a bucket of tomatoes from each bush. This desire is quite realizable if you properly prepare the soil, successfully select seeds and germinate strong healthy seedlings from them.

Regular watering and timely feeding will help you achieve your desired goal and grow beautiful tomatoes.

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