Application of manure as fertilizer


The use of humus is considered the best feed for a variety of crops. How to get humus? How to use the spreader? A successful farmer must be aware of all these subtleties.

Fertilizer leader

Some farmers are wondering what kind of this fertilizer works best? To do this, you need to figure out what this substance is.

Manure is a natural source of various microelements: nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, in addition, sulfur, chlorine, silicon.

manure in bags

As a rule, in large areas and fields for enriching the soil with manure, they use special spreader... The mechanism is attached to the machine or tractor, evenly distributing the substance on the ground. The spreader is designed for all types of soil. It can be used for all kinds of fertilizers. This device is of the following types: trailed spreader (used in vegetable gardens), in addition, for organic material (clings to large tractors and machines).

Its advantage is that you do not need to expend a large amount of physical strength. After the field has been covered with manure, by rebuilding the spreader, you can additionally sprinkle the soil with minerals (if necessary). The spreader is an indispensable device for those who want to fertilize the soil with manure in a short time.

humus manure

But some farmers neglect the use of this product, saying that it has already outlived its usefulness and today there is a variety of choices of mineral fertilizers. However, humus has some properties that no single piece of additives have.

Due to its composition, manure is able to form fertile layers of the earth.

For this he is appreciated.

Depending on its structure, this type of fertilizer is divided into:

  1. Fresh manure. It is undesirable to immediately put such material into the ground. It negatively affects plant growth. Having a concentrated composition, fresh manure can burn the roots of future crops. Plus, weed seeds are stored in it, which can easily germinate, which is very harmful for the garden. Fresh humus is an ideal breeding ground for various parasites, worms, fungi, so spreading fertilizer on the ground can do more harm than good.
  2. Manure that has passed the first stage of discussion. It should be added to the ground at the rate of approximately 5 kg per 1 m² of land. This must be done in the fall. An aqueous solution is also suitable for periodic feeding of the plant. Dosage - 1 kg of substance per bucket of water. Since the half-over-matured mass is still sufficiently concentrated, it is strongly not recommended to water the plants at the very root. This type of manure is well suited for cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, spinach. After harvesting, next year you can plant any root vegetables, tomatoes, peppers in this place. This little secret will help multiply the next season's harvest.
  3. Rotted manure. This fertilizer loses up to 50% of its weight. You need to add it at 10 kg per 1 m² of land. This fertilizer has a good effect on seedlings. To create a nutrient medium, you need to mix soil and manure in a 2: 1 ratio. The liquid for feeding is prepared by dissolving 2 kg of manure in a bucket of water.
  4. Humus. This product is the final stage in the decomposition of manure. This type of organic fertilizer is the most appreciated. It is used to create nutrient additives for the soil, mulching, seedlings feeding. Humus has a good effect on absolutely all crops, significantly improving their taste.Onions, radishes, garlic acquire a sweetish aftertaste, herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) become more aromatic, the yield of potatoes increases, tubers become larger and tastier. Humus is injected into the ground in the following proportions: 1: 4. Then the site should be dug up.


How do you get the perfect fertilizer?

So, it is best to fertilize the garden with manure when the mass has decomposed to the stage of humus. But how do you get it? What are the ways?

Method 1. Fresh manure must be stacked in tiers in a wooden box. Each tier must be sprinkled with peat, dry moss, phosphate rock (10 kg of manure requires 30 g of flour). You should not worry about the secreted liquid, peat or moss will successfully absorb it. All this mixture must be pressed tightly when placed in boxes. The process of decay and decay must last more than 4 months. After this time, you get a rotted mass. It takes about two years for humus to form.

Method 2. Manure is piled up, covered with roofing material, foil, slate and just waiting. If the heap has decreased in size, and the mass has become dark in color with a loose structure, then humus is ready. This process will take more than two years.

manure in bags

Method 3. Very often, many gardeners make a dung heap in their dachas. This method is very similar to the previous one, however, it must be folded not just on the ground, but in a fenced wooden space. This option is convenient because humus sags in this space over time and you can add a new batch of future fertilizer. The composition of the manure will only get better. In a few years, you will get a wonderful humus, the benefits of which are invaluable for plants.

It must be stored under a closed film. In order for the humus to mature faster, once a month it must be moistened and stirred with a pitchfork. The dung heap or box should be in a calm location. So the bacteria will not freeze and continue to work even in winter cold.

The quality of the humus largely depends on which animal the manure was obtained from. Horse has a more porous consistency, has the ability to decompose quickly. It also generates a large amount of heat during this process. It is used mainly on poor, heavy lands, in greenhouses, greenhouses.


The substance obtained from cattle is more watery, emits less heat, but such manure has a longer effect than horse manure. It works most effectively on sandy ground. This manure has one drawback: toadstools breed in it, which inhibit the growth of garden crops. But you can get rid of them too. For this, lime is added to the soil (0.7 kg per 1 m² of the site).

Pig and manure from small livestock (rabbits, sheep, goats, etc.) are often combined with products from other animals in order to obtain the optimal nutrient ratio. It is best to combine different types of humus to obtain a rich harvest.

pigs in a pigsty

Conclusion on the topic

Despite the fact that the agronomy market offers many synthetic fertilizers, many owners prefer manure and humus. This is not surprising, because manure as a fertilizer is completely natural, rich in minerals necessary for normal growth and fruiting of crops. It can be fertilized with any kind of soil, using physical strength or a spreader. Even the poorest land, if properly enriched with humus, can become fertile.

Comments on the article
  1. For me, the information of the article on humus is very important, since it is necessary to transplant plants, but I would still like instructions on how to add humus to flower pots, is it possible to store humus in an apartment.

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