Crown formation and pruning of walnuts and hazelnuts


Not everyone knows that walnut trees must be pruned in the fall. Meanwhile, this procedure makes the tree healthier. First of all, after the leaf fall, the crown of the nut is carefully examined and the damaged branches are removed so that the disease does not develop further. The volume of the crop, as well as the resistance of the tree to pests and diseases, depends on the crown that is correctly thinned in the spring. Work with a pruner near a walnut begins from a very young age. It is worth emphasizing the fact that these trees recover well after pruning.

Walnut pruning

Why prune walnut trees and bushes?

There are several reasons for pruning walnut trees.

  • Walnut trees, hazel and hazelnuts, which grow without pruning, thicken, because up to 20 powerful branches can grow from the trunk. But harvesting will be minimal because these trees love sunlight. If the branches are crowded, many young shoots die off. But it is on them, in addition to the generative branches, that the fruits are tied.
  • Thinning is necessary for a plant whose crown has not been formed. The tree receives very little light and air through the central trunk. This is a favorable environment for the development of fungal diseases.
  • Weak, diseased branches and so-called forks, which are formed from two, sometimes three branches growing at a narrow angle, very often break under their own weight or during a storm. Such damage can lead to the death of the entire tree.
  • Adult trees need to cut back to increase the number of fruit branches.


Very old trees can die if the skeletal branches are severely cut, so only one or two are cut down a year.

Walnut in autumn

Sanitary work in September and October

When foliage flies from the walnut tree, all branches are carefully examined, carrying out autumn sanitary or anti-aging pruning.

How to shorten the branches of young trees?

Very long branches of a walnut, especially a young one, can be damaged by frost. Therefore, in the fall, the main attention should be paid to the shoots of the current year.

  • On two-year-olds, shoots that have grown longer than 60 cm are shortened.
  • Cut off the conductor of the uppermost main branch, which is already formed on 3-4-year-old trees.
  • A little earlier, at the end of August, the apical third of the young shoots is cut off. During this period, buds of future fruiting have already been laid on these branches. Before frost, the shoots will get stronger and lignified.

Tree pruning tools

Caring for mature trees

After the summer season and harvesting the fruits, some branches may be damaged or infected with diseases. A lot of young growth appears, which must be removed.

  • Now you need to cut off the dry branches in which garden pests can hide.
  • Broken ones are cut during harvesting or due to bad weather.
  • Branches with signs of possible diseases are removed. Usually, diseases of fungal and bacterial origin affect young shoots that formed last summer. Symptoms of these lesions are light brown with darker edges or black spots on the bark that appear to be depressed. Such shoots must be cut off, because they most often die and will spread pathogens.
  • In autumn, branches are also cut off, if for some reason this was not done in the spring, and the crown is very thickened.You can form a tree older than 5 years by cutting 1-2 skeletal branches that have grown in the center of the crown.
  • Long and thin forks with sharp corners and a small number of shoots are cut off, because such branches can easily break in winter weather.
  • For a perennial old bush of hazel or varietal hazelnuts, complete anti-aging pruning is necessary. In the spring, young growth will go, from which a new shrub must be formed.


At subzero temperatures, the nut cannot be trimmed. At this time, its branches are very fragile, you can accidentally damage the desired shoots.

Young walnut sapling

Spring tree formation

Proper pruning of walnuts regulates tree development, crown formation, yield and fruit quality. It is best to carry out such work in March or April. Severe frosts no longer threaten, and the tree is still dormant. The harm to him will be minimal, the cuts are quickly tightened.

  • Systematically, once a year (preferably in early spring), the shoots are shortened by 15 - 20 cm, which give skeletal and semi-skeletal branches.
  • Frozen shoots are cut off.
  • In late spring or June, they cut off the tender grassy stem shoots. You can pinch it over the 2nd or 3rd sheet, and cut it off the next year.

How to create the correct crown of a young nut?

Walnuts begin to form when they are already strong, from the second year after planting.

When a young tree grows above a meter, in March they begin the first pruning of its crown. The height of the trunk is 0.8-1 m, the crown zone is up to 60 cm.

  • The branches are cut to two buds. If both begin to develop, choose only one. At the next pruning, the shoot is shortened again in front of the two buds. This is how a productive crown is laid.
  • If there are no branches, the top of the stem is cut off at the height of the stem.
  • In the third year, 4-6 future fruiting branches are chosen, which will form a cupped crown. They should be located at an angle of at least 50-60 ° to the trunk. Shoots should be cut by 20 cm. The rest are carefully cut off completely.
  • In the fourth year, the upper branches are selected that extend from the conductor, removing unnecessary growth.
  • The last stage of crown formation is cutting off the central trunk above the upper branches.
  • Every year, all small, damaged branches, shoots that grow inward or intertwine are cut out.


Start pruning only on a strong young tree. The weak is left until next spring.

Old walnut

Types of nut crown

There are several varieties of walnut construction. Depending on the choice, trimming is done according to the appropriate scheme.

  • The tree acquires a non-tiered shape when branches are sent from the central trunk in a circle, and then, cutting it, is transferred to a branch.
  • The improved tiered shape involves constant pruning of branches before the 2nd or 3rd shoot, so that the crown is sparse.
  • The cup-shaped crown is created by removing the central conductor in the 4-5th year of the tree's growth.
  • The bush forms the crown of a hazelnut or ordinary hazel. For novice gardeners, it is worth mentioning that these crops are photophilous. One bush can carry 6-8 skeletal shoots, which will yield a good harvest.
  • Hazelnuts are formed with wood. All tops are slightly cut to create fruitful branches.

Pruning old walnuts

How to rejuvenate an old tree?

The walnut grows strong and tall. If its crown was not formed, the branches are scattered very much, but every year they can give a smaller harvest. Fruiting shoots will be located at the edges of the upper branches, and the nuts themselves become small and twisted. To remedy the situation, the tree is rejuvenated. As a rule, this procedure is carried out in the spring, then new shoots will immediately begin to form.

  1. The tallest skeletal branch is removed.
  2. They clean the crown well by cutting off branches that grow inward or upward. Air and sunlight will freely enter the thinned crown, which is very important for the healthy state of the tree.
  3. It is necessary to cut off the branches in front of the side shoots. Now their growth will be directed to the sides, and not up.New buds of future branches are formed on them. And then they form a new crown from them for abundant fruiting.

Summer pruning

By the end of summer, the intensity of sap flow in walnut trees decreases. Starting from the second decade of July, pruning is carried out.

  • Some gardeners believe that it is better to prune walnuts in the summer, because then weak, dry and damaged branches are clearly visible.
  • Thickening and growing inward shoots are cut off.
  • To accelerate the development of the selected shoots, pinch their green top. They will begin to lignify by the onset of cold weather and will not freeze.

Harvest of walnuts

Secrets of walnut growers

Cut all branches only with a clean, very sharp tool so that the cuts are even.

There are two opinions on wound care. Traditional: cuts are processed with garden pitch. And second: the nut does not need to be processed with anything. The damage will heal itself.

Pruning can only be learned through practice. You have to be careful and attentive to leave the branches you want.

Comments on the article
  1. after pruning in October, the tree “cries” even after thorough processing with garden varnish. what to do? I'm afraid the tree will die.

  2. after pruning in October, the walnut tree "cries" even after careful processing with garden var. what to do? I'm afraid the tree will die.

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