What is better to plant next to a cucumber garden?


Getting a rich harvest in a summer cottage or a personal plot depends not only on climatic conditions, but also on the competent organization of plantings. You need to know the characteristics of garden crops in order to determine which plants can be planted next to cucumbers to improve the taste of fruits and increase yields.

Cucumbers next to corn in the garden

Correct neighborhood

Plants are capable of exerting a certain influence on each other. Some species can stimulate the growth and development of their neighbors and protect them from pests. Others, on the contrary, interfere and even act depressingly. It is necessary to draw up a planting plan on a site or in a greenhouse, taking into account the compatibility of crops.

Mixed crops will increase yields and help save land space. Legumes, corn, lettuce, radish, spinach and lemon balm are ideal for growing together with cucumbers. Dill, garlic and onions perfectly coexist with this representative of the pumpkin family. White cabbage is used to compact the plantings.

Cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse

What to plant in a greenhouse next to cucumbers

Combined planting in a greenhouse provides an opportunity to get early greens, increase yields and prevent premature soil depletion. When choosing neighbors for an upright cucumber crop, it is necessary to consider the ability of plants to tolerate shading.

  1. Great neighbors for cucumbers are sown peas or black Eyed Peas... They are planted in different parts of the greenhouse, saturating the soil with nitrogen and other nutrients. After harvesting the legumes, it is recommended to cut the stems, leaving the roots in the ground to increase soil fertility.
  2. Early beets will not interfere with the growth and development of cucumbers. Its young greens can be used for salads. It is advisable to harvest the beet crop before the cucumber stalks actively grow. In a shaded place, the development of the root crop will stop.
  3. To get a variety of greens, turnips, onions, garlic are sown to the table between cucumber plantings, Chinese cabbage, mustard.
  4. The radishes must be planted along the edge of the greenhouse ridge and harvested while the cucumber bushes are just gaining strength. This is necessary so that the radish does not interfere with the development of the cucumber root system.
  5. On adjacent beds in the greenhouse, it is allowed to grow cucumbers and tomatoes with similar care specifics. You can protect cucumbers from drafts while airing tomato beds by installing internal partitions.
  6. Dill sown in a greenhouse will attract ladybugs that destroy pests.
  7. Corn planted in a row can be used to support the cucumber stalks. When growing corn in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to spray the plant with a fruit-forming stimulator and manually pollinate.


Novice gardeners should not create assorted vegetables in the greenhouse. For example, onions and beans get along well next to cucumbers and absolutely cannot stand being near each other. Therefore, in the first year, it is wiser to limit yourself to one or two cultures. The gradually accumulated knowledge and experience in compaction of the beds will help to optimally plan the arrangement of the plants.

Pepper and eggplant next to a cucumber

Joint planting of peppers and eggplants in a greenhouse with cucumbers is allowed. It should be borne in mind that peppers and eggplant prefer nitrogen-containing fertilizers, and cucumbers prefer organic fertilizing.

It is recommended to place plants in such a way that one crop does not shade another. For example:

  • we place cucumbers on the central ridge;
  • we plant eggplants on the left;
  • on the right - peppers.


To avoid cross-pollination, only one type of pepper is grown in the greenhouse - sweet or bitter.

Watermelons in the garden

Watermelons and melons next to cucumbers

Heat-loving watermelons and melons can coexist with cucumbers in the same greenhouse. At the same time, cucumber stalks are located on vertical supports, and the stalks of melons and gourds can be put on the ground. It is necessary to provide feeding in sufficient quantity to exclude the competition of plants for food. In addition, similar diseases can cause a lot of trouble for the gardener.


In large greenhouses, internal partitions can be used, thus creating the microclimate necessary for each of the crops.

Pumpkin on the compost heap

Pumpkin crop compatibility

Zucchini get along well with cucumbers, and the placement of these related crops on the same bed does not interfere with their comfortable development, as well as growing cucumbers next to a pumpkin. In this case, it is necessary to regularly guide the weaving stems of the plants. The whips entangled on the ground are not very convenient for harvesting. And the powerful leaves of pumpkin and zucchini will drown out the development of the cucumber. A great way out in this situation is to put cucumber stalks along the supports installed nearby.

When planting cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin together, the distance between the holes must be observed. Plants belonging to the pumpkin family require the same care, which greatly simplifies gardening work. However, the joint planting pumpkin with zucchini can lead to pollination and a change in the appearance and taste of the fruit.

When growing related crops together, it must be remembered that insufficient fertilization leads to the fact that a more powerful root system of squash and pumpkin will inhibit the development of the cucumber culture. In addition, plants of the pumpkin family are susceptible to powdery mildew and root rot.

When planting cucumbers in the garden, it is reasonable use trellises so that the stems of the plant can cling to the whiskers, fixing on the vertical surface. The space vacated on the bed is planted with plants that go well with cucumbers.

The use of a sunflower will help save a lot of space in the garden, a strong powerful stem of which will serve as a reliable support for cucumber lashes. The microclimate created by sunflower crops will provide comfortable conditions for the development of cucumbers. Similarly, joint planting of corn and cucumbers in the open field is used.

Cucumbers and calendula

Flowers for the benefit of cucumbers

Not only chemicals can protect plants from diseases and pests, but also flowers that are pleasing to the eyes, which can be planted nearby.

  1. It is useful to plant a crop with cucumbers such as calendula... During flowering, it attracts a large number of insects, which is especially beneficial for pollinated cucumber varieties.
  2. To protect the cucumbers from the whitefly invasion, it is recommended to plant bushes near them. nasturtium.

It is necessary to determine a place for growing cucumbers in a summer cottage or a personal plot, taking into account the peculiarities of weather conditions and the composition of the soil. Do not forget about light and wind protection. It is important to provide timely watering for plants, to choose varieties recommended for the region. Take care of the preparation of fertilizers for the season, select and plan mixed plantings.

Properly positioned garden neighbors will not only help each other grow. They are able to improve the condition and taste of the fruits of nearby plants. And the compact arrangement of vegetable crops will greatly facilitate summer cottage work.

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