Folk remedies for weed control


It takes a lot of time and effort for summer residents to weed the ridges. You can get rid of weeds without chemistry and tedious work using folk remedies. Recipes based on soda, kerosene, vinegar and other "household" substances have already proven their effectiveness in practice. Using folk remedies, you can not worry about the environmental friendliness and safety of grown products. The ingredients used to make homemade herbicides are readily available and cheap.

Weed control

Rules for the use of folk remedies for weeds

Folk remedies for weed control will be completely safe for the soil and plants only when used correctly.

It is important to consider the features of using homemade herbicides:

  • it is necessary to observe the recommended concentration of substances in the working solution;
  • before processing, you need to make sure that rain is not expected in the next 2-3 days;
  • in the beds and flower beds, homemade herbicides are used pointwise, applying only to weeds, and not spraying the plantings entirely;
  • work is carried out in cloudy calm weather;
  • the composition is prepared using warm water, applied immediately after preparation;
  • the use of concentrated vinegar or saline solution is allowed only in those places where there will be no planting of cultivated plants in the next year or two, or on garden paths.

Even with proper application, it will not work forever to get rid of weeds with folk remedies. The processing will have to be repeated from time to time.

Baking soda

Baking soda

Soda solution is effective not only for weeds. You can also use it to:

  • get rid of caterpillars;
  • reduce, if necessary, the acidity of the soil;
  • prevent the appearance of powdery mildew.

When destroying weeds, use the maximum concentration of soda. The solution is prepared from 10 tbsp. l. soda on a bucket of water. To make the folk remedy work for sure, add 1 tsp to the composition. liquid detergent and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Soda is especially effective against weeds such as wood lice. It is better to influence young plants, they will be destroyed for sure.

It is necessary to prepare the composition in glassware, avoiding the use of metal and plastic due to possible chemical reactions. The solution is applied to weeds from a spray bottle or using a paint brush. Weeds with large leaves can be simply sprinkled with soda powder, trying to distribute it evenly. Cultivated plants should not be closer than 30 cm from the treatment site so that the composition does not get on them.

Acetic acid for weeds

Acetic acid

You can fight weeds without chemicals with 9% table vinegar. To enhance the effectiveness, acetic acid in the indicated concentration is mixed with lemon juice in a ratio of 3: 1. This composition is suitable for spot treatment. The solution is applied to weeds by spraying or carefully poured under the root. This method is especially useful in the fight against dandelions.

Application features:

  1. If it is required to treat an area overgrown with weeds, the composition is sprayed over the entire soil surface in early spring, when weed shoots are just emerging. In this case, the composition is prepared from 3 glasses of 9% vinegar per 10 liters of water.
  2. You can use apple cider vinegar to kill weeds on the paths, it is more aggressive.
  3. For adult weeds, you can use a vinegar solution with added salt, which will additionally help get rid of ants.The working solution is prepared from 4 liters of vinegar, 100 g of salt and 10 liters of water. Mix the components thoroughly. The solution is then applied using a spray gun.

Gloves and safety goggles should be worn when handling vinegar.

After about three days, the weeds will turn yellow - this will indicate their death. In hot weather, the folk remedy works faster.

Weed soap solution

Soap solution

Using this recipe, the solution can be prepared in different ways. It is permissible to use as a soap component:

  • shavings of laundry soap;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • liquid soap.

Dissolve the detergent not in water, but in 9% table vinegar. For 1 liter of vinegar, you need 5 ml of detergent. Table salt will help to make the composition even more caustic - add 1 tsp.

The components are thoroughly mixed until the soap and salt are completely dissolved. Then, using a sprayer, the composition is applied to the weeds. At the same time, this tool will help get rid of harmful insects.



Tested by many generations of gardeners, weed control is a strong salt solution. With its help, it is also possible to get rid of some pests, in particular from the Colorado potato beetle.

The way salt is used depends on the task at hand:

  • If you need to remove weeds that have grown on the garden path or in the crevices of the paving slabs, sprinkle problem areas with salt at the rate of 1.5 kg per 1 sq. m. After the rain passes, the effect of salt crystals will intensify, they will dissolve and penetrate into the underground zone, destroying the roots of weeds.
  • On a cultivated site, a folk remedy is used pointwise. In this case, 2 tbsp. l. the salts are dissolved in 1 liter of hot water. The solution is immediately poured under the root of the weeds. Treated plants will die in a matter of days.

It must be borne in mind that salt has a negative effect on the soil. On an area covered with salt crystals or poured with a strong saline solution, it will not be possible to plant vegetables and berries for several years.

Feed grain

Feed grain

Substandard grain of cereals (most often oats or wheat) is used for fodder. It is used in agriculture to feed livestock and poultry. In the fight against weeds, feed grain is used due to the fact that it contains a certain type of gluten, which prevents the germination of weed seeds.

You can use this method starting in the middle of summer, when crops rise to a height of at least 30 cm. The ground around cultivated plants is sprinkled with feed grain. If necessary, the bed is pre-weeded.

Vodka box


Ethyl alcohol, which is part of a strong alcoholic drink, has a stimulating effect on weed germination.

This method of protection is used before planting crops. Add 150 ml of vodka to a bucket of water and mix, then spill the earth on the garden with an alcohol solution. When the weeds sprout together, they are weeded out and then sowing or planting of cultivated plants is carried out.

For the first time this method was applied almost a century ago in the United States, now it is successfully used by summer residents of the post-Soviet space. The essence of the method is based on the ability of alcohol to dissolve a film of essential oils on the surface of seeds, which contributes to the rapid germination of weeds.



For the treatment of plantings from weeds, only fresh kerosene is used, stored in a closed container. Summer residents usually use this method in carrot beds. The flammable substance acts selectively, without damaging the carrot sprouts. At the same time, the pungent smell of kerosene will scare off the carrot fly.

This treatment method is effective against 4 types of weeds:

  • wood lice;
  • quinoa;
  • wheatgrass;
  • rape.

The remedy will not help get rid of perennial weeds with a long rod rhizome.

Do not be afraid that kerosene will have a negative effect on the soil or will accumulate in it - the substance quickly evaporates.

Processing is carried out using a conventional spray gun. This method is effective when the weeds are at the 3-leaf stage. Weed plants will die after spraying in 1-3 days.

It may be necessary to carry out treatment for weeds with folk remedies several times per season. Weed control in any case must be comprehensive. Additionally, you can carry out weeding, plowing, mowing weeds, using mulching material.

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